
Sunday October 16th 2022



In speaking to her chosen title “The Strength of Kindness and the Courage to Grieve” Linda reflected that, In times of desolation, as we are learning right here, right now, it’s hard to know if anything can make a difference. How do we care for those who are faithfully serving us, for those whom we love and depend upon? In their weariness, can we protect them from disillusionment and despair? Or is the task of a rather different nature?

How might we keep company with them in the dark places of their (and our own) fear and sorrow and grief? Is there any hope to be found? These questions lead us to the heart of the mystery of God. While finding the courage to grieve is central to this path, it is often the strength of kindness that helps us take the first steps.

Linda Walter has worked in nursing, hospital chaplaincy, bereavement counselling, psychotherapy, and spiritual direction. While a pastoral counsellor at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, she taught postgraduate nurses and medical students. She has conducted bereavement support groups and facilitated grieving among health professionals and lectured at Yarra Theological Union on “Death, Grief & New Life: Conversations of Faith”, and led clergy retreats. Linda has been active in the Christian feminist movement and co-authored, Women of Spirit: Woman’s Place in Church and Society. She now enjoys retirement with her husband Nick in Anglesea, along with family and friends who stay often in what is affectionately called their bush mission hospital.