
The very existence of CSCC relies on ‘volunteering’ and the concept is fundamental to our aims. However, as is often the case, providing readymade opportunities is another question.  If you have a special interest and would like to gather together a group of like-minded people, we welcome you contacting us. We will be promoting Management Committee membership opportunities in the run up to each AGM to maintain vigour and new ideas to carry us forward. Keeping our new website up-to-date offers a real interest for someone with a communication and promotion bent.

To discuss volunteering Jill Webb, our Secretary, can be contacted by email on secretary@cscc.org.au
or by post to:

The Secretary, Centre for Spirituality of Care and Community,
PO Box 304,
Heidelberg, 3084.


For Friends or other supporters who wish to assist the work of the organisation with a monetary gift, the following Pay Pal form can be used

For Friends or other supporters who wish to assist the work of the organisation with a monetary gift, the following Pay Pal form can be used

If you prefer to make a direct bank transfer, please use the following details (for Australian transfers only):

Account name: Centre for Spirituality of Care and Community
BSB: 063 158
Account number: 1046 4890

Please include your name with your payment for identification purposes.

Leaving a Gift in Your Will

Have you considered how a bequest could support the long term goals and ongoing development of The Centre for Spirituality of Care and Community?

Bequests to The Centre for Spirituality of Care and Community (CSCC) are a Living Legacy.

If you decide to bequeath something to the CSCC in your will, you could use this suggested form of wording, depending on which of the following options you choose.

A fixed sum

Nominating a specific amount in your will is the simplest form of bequest.

“I give and bequeath (free of all duties) the sum of $…….. to The Centre for Spirituality of Care and Community (CSCC) PO Box 304 Heidelberg VIC 3084, for its general purposes, with the written acknowledgement of CSCC to be accepted by my executors as a full and complete discharge.”

A proportion

Leaving a proportion of your estate means that your gift will not be affected by fluctuations in the size of your estate.

“I give and bequeath (free of all duties)..…..% of my estate to The Centre for Spirituality of Care and Community (CSCC) PO Box 304 Heidelberg VIC 3084, for its general purposes, with the written acknowledgement of CSCC to be accepted by my executors as a full and complete discharge.”

The residue

It is extremely important to include a residuary clause in your will, in order to dispose of any assets not otherwise mentioned.

“I give and bequeath (free of all duties) the rest and residue of my estate to The Centre for Spirituality of Care and Community (CSCC) PO Box 304 Heidelberg VIC 3084, for its general purposes, with the written acknowledgement of CSCC to be accepted by my executors as a full and complete discharge.”

Please Inform Us of Your Decision

Your decision to support The Centre for Spirituality of Care and Community is a wonderful commitment to its future. It would greatly assist our ongoing planning if we knew of your decision. Jill Webb, our Secretary, can be contacted by email on csccorg@gmail.com or by post to: The Secretary, Centre for Spirituality of Care and Community, PO Box 304, Heidelberg, 3084.