For those seeking to become involved as a Foundations Member or a Friend of the CSCC see information in Become Involved
Also for people seeking further information about the CSCC, Jill Webb (Secretary) can be contacted by email on
or by post to:
The Secretary, Centre for Spirituality of Care and Community,
PO Box 304,
Heidelberg, 3084.
Association for Supervised and Clinical Pastoral Education in Victoria Inc.
ASACPEV Inc exists to educate and accredit both lay and ordained women and men for their excellence in pastoral practice. These goals are achieved by providing supervised pastoral education, professional support and recognition of its members
(Australia New Zealand Association of Clinical Pastoral Education)
ANZACPE is the umbrella organisation for the associations providing Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) in Australia and New Zealand. Our focus is on developing common ‘Standards’ and Supervisory accreditation for CPE across Australasia. We also provide international collegiality, supervisory education and professional development.