
Sunday 12th November 2023



The 2023 Annual Roy Bradley Oration was delivered by Professor Dr Anne Pattel-Gray.

With the title “A Deep Sense of the Sacred – Australia’s First Nations Spirituality and Connection to Country”, Professor Pattel-Gray explored Australia’s First Nations Spirituality, Culture and Ancestral Narratives of the Creator’s actions and interaction with Aboriginal peoples by defining the Creator’s relationship within our understanding and worldview. The responsibility and generosity of care to family, community and Country was also explored.

Anne Pattel-Gray PHD DD, was the Professor of Indigenous studies and inaugural head of the School of Indigenous Studies at the University of Divinity and a member of the Uniting Church. She is an esteemed theologian, Doctor of Philosophy, accomplished author, activist
and advocate for the rights of Indigenous People.
Professor Pattel-Gray is a renowned Aboriginal leader nationally and internationally and adescendant of the Bidjara Karikari people of Queensland. She has held numerous leadership and consultancy roles in various organisations including the World Council of Churches, Gurukul Theological Seminary, Harvard University, and Otago University.